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Nuummite Tumble Stone

(Code: 5439)
£ 4.95
(-50.51%) £ 2.45
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  Nuummite Tumble Stone
Ethically mined Indian Nuummite

Nuummite, the "Magicians Stone", is of volcanic origin and at 3.8 billion years is one of the oldest minerals on earth. Being full of iridescent flashes of light, it can be used on all the chakras and is one of the best all-around chakra tonics available. Nuummite is also prized for its protective qualities, creating clear, vibrant frequencies in your aura and home.

"Nuummite can be used to open, to activate and to integrate all the chakras. It provides for grounding via the chakras. It aligns all of the subtle bodies and both balances and aligns the chakras. It is useful for removing energy blockages. It is an excellent energy source ... removes "muddy" areas in the auric field.” 


"Nuummite possesses a defending quality and is an excellent preventative which will shield one from many forms of negative energy. Simply having a piece of Nuummite on one's person brings in this protective, shielding aspect of the stone." Melody, Love is in the Earth.

Nuummite was a name created to describe a mineral composition and is not limited to material mined in Greenland.

"All words are made up. Nuummite is the name given to a particular rock type and was not intended to describe only the best of the pretty type from Greenland. It was intended to be a name for a rock type like basalt, or schist." Rock Currier (


"The rock was first discovered in 1810 in Greenland by the mineralogist K. L. Giesecke. It was defined scientifically by O. B. Bøggild between 1905 and 1924. Nuummite is also found in Finland and the USA. So there we have it, you're correct, Greenland is not the only locality for "Nuummite".  Tim Jokela (

20mm,  10 grams (approx.) 


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